Complete 1908-1927
Ford Model T Reference Guide - Detailed
description about every year model.
Your First Ford Model T - A
comprehensive article on what to look for.
Facts About
the Ford Model T - Some important facts
about the Model T.
Modifying a Model
T - What Changes Should I Make? Is it
even a good idea?
The 1909 Ford
Model T - Henry's New 1909 Ford - A look
at the first 2499 Model T's
What Fuel Can I
Use? - What Kind of Gasoline Should I
Use In My Model T Ford?
Those Famous Babbitt
Washers - Those Famous Rear Axle Thrust
Washers and How to Deal With Them.
The Ford Model T
in Australia - How the Model T impacted
the Australian way of life.
Bringing a Model T out
of Mothballs - This summary by Milt Webb
is very thorough - should keep you busy!
The Ford Model T
Cooling System - Tips and tricks to the
Ford thermosiphon cooling system.
How to Set the
Timing on Your Ford Model T - Setting
the timing to get that spark just right!
Using a Battery on
a Non-Starter Model T -
How to use a battery on Model T's built before
Champion X Spark
Plugs - Personally, I believe these are
the best spark plugs money can buy for your
Henry Ford - Henry Ford was the founder
of the Ford Motor Company. Read all about him
Henry Ford -
This is Your Life - A timeline of the
life of Henry Ford
Henry Ford
and the Hemp Model T - Henry Ford's
innovative concept: a car made from hemp-based
Fords Before
the Model T - Learn about the Model T's
How the Ford
Motor Company Formed - The very roots of
the Ford Motor Company
Putting the
World on Wheels - An Introduction to the
Ford Model T
15 Million Model T's - Read about the
very last Ford Model T... Ever.
Model T: The Beginning - Read about the
car that changed everything...
The Ford Model T
- A concise description of the Model T, it's
creator and the Ford Motor Company.
Production By Year - Detailed
presentation of what models were manufactured
each year.
The Ford
Dealers Handbook - Every Ford Dealer was
furnished with a booklet which detailed
the Model T
Model T Sales
Statistics - See how many Model T's were
sold between 1908 and 1919
How the Ford Model T Got it's Name -
Speaks for itself...
Model T Uses
- The Model T was probably one of the most
versatile cars of it's time.
Model T
Original Prices - See what they cost 100
years ago!
Model T
Advertising - A collection of
advertisements for the Model T, ranging between
1910 and 1927.
How to
Drive a Ford Model T - The title speaks
for itself.
Ford Model T FAQ
- Frequently Asked Questions
Ford Model T
Specifications - Detailed specifications
page of the Model T
Mountain Brakes - How to install Rocky
Mountain Brakes on your Model T
Ford Model T
Transmission - Learn about the planetary
transmission system used in the Model T
Ford Model
T Transmission Simulator - It's Back!
Play around with this interactive Model T
transmission sim.
Diagram of Model T Ignition Components -
Colour diagram created by Mitch Taylor
Ford Model
T - Troubleshooting - Fault finding when
your Lizzie is having a bad day!
Ford Model T Oils
- Critical information relating to motor oil.
Know what oils to avoid at all costs
Build Date
Formula - A crude calculation to work
out the exact day your Model T came off the
assembly line
Model T Serial Numbers - Useful to find
the build year and month of your Model T if engine is original
Ford Model T Serial Numbers (Canada) -
For Canadian-built Model T's
Technical Data and Instruction Manuals -
Sourced from the USA.