At the beginning of the 20th century
the automobile was a plaything for the rich. Most models
were complicated machines that required a chauffer
conversant with its individual mechanical nuances to
drive it. Henry Ford was determined to build a simple,
reliable and affordable car; a car the average American
worker could afford. Out of this determination came the
Model T and the assembly line - two innovations that
revolutionized American society and molded the world we
live in today.
Henry Ford did not invent the car; he produced an
automobile that was within the economic reach of the
average American. While other manufacturers were content
to target a market of the well-to-do, Ford developed a
design and a method of manufacture that steadily reduced
the cost of the Model T. Instead of pocketing the
profits; Ford lowered the price of his car. As a result,
Ford Motors sold more cars and steadily increased its
earnings - transforming the automobile from a luxury toy
to a mainstay of American society.
The Model T made its debut in 1908 with a purchase price
of $825.00. Over ten thousand were sold in its first
year, establishing a new record. Four years later the
price dropped to $575.00 and sales soared. By 1914, Ford
could claim a 48% share of the automobile market.
Central to Ford's ability to produce an affordable car
was the development of the assembly line that increased
the efficiency of manufacture and decreased its cost.
Ford did not conceive the concept, he perfected it.
Prior to the introduction of the assembly line, cars
were individually crafted by teams of skilled workmen -
a slow and expensive procedure. The assembly line
reversed the process of automobile manufacture. Instead
of workers going to the car, the car came to the worker
who performed the same task of assembly over and over
again. With the introduction and perfection of the
process, Ford was able to reduce the assembly time of a
Model T from twelve and a half hours to less than six
Developing the Model T
The Ford Motor Company manufactured its first car -
the Model A - in 1903. By 1906, the Model N was in
production but Ford had not yet achieved his goal of
producing a simple, affordable car. He would accomplish
this with the Model T. Charles Sorensen - who had joined
Henry Ford two years earlier - describes how Ford had
him set up a secret room where design of the new car
would be carried out:
"Early one morning in the winter of 1906-7, Henry Ford
dropped in at the pattern department of the Piquette
Avenue plant to see me. 'Come with me, Charlie,' he
said, 'I want to show you something.'
I followed him to the third floor and its north end,
which was not fully occupied for assembly work. He
looked about and said, 'Charlie, I'd like to have a room
finished off right here in this space. Put up a wall
with a door in big enough to run a car in and out. Get a
good lock for the door, and when you're ready, we'll
have Joe Galamb come up in here. We're going to start a
completely new job.'
The room he had in mind became the maternity ward for
Model T.

took only a few days to block off the little room on the
third floor back of the Piquette Avenue plant and to set
up a few simple power tools and Joe Galamb's two
blackboards. The blackboards were a good idea. They gave
a king-sized drawing which, when all initial refinements
had been made, could be photographed for two purposes:
as a protection against patent suits attempting to prove
prior claim to originality and as a substitute for
blueprints. A little more than a year later Model T, the
product of that cluttered little room, was announced to
the world. But another half year passed before the first
Model T was ready for what had already become a
clamorous market...
The summer before, Mr. Ford told me to block off the
experimental room for Joe Galamb, a momentous event
occurred which would affect the entire automotive
industry. The first heat of vanadium steel in the
country was poured at the United Steel Company's plant
in Canton, Ohio.
Early that year we had several visits from J. Kent
Smith, a noted English metallurgist from a country which
had been in the forefront of steel development...
Ford, Wills, and I listened to him and examined his
data. We had already read about this English vanadium
steel. It had a tensile strength nearly three times that
of steels we were using, but we'd never seen it. Smith
demonstrated its toughness and showed that despite its
strength it could be machined more easily than plain
steel. Immediately Mr. Ford sensed the great
possibilities of this shock-resisting steel. 'Charlie,'
he said to me after Smith left, 'this means entirely new
design requirements, and we can get a better, lighter,
and cheaper car as a result of it.'
It was the great common sense that Mr. Ford could apply
to new ideas and his ability to simplify seemingly
complicated problems that made him the pioneer he was.
This demonstration of vanadium steel was the deciding
point for him to begin the experimental work that
resulted in Model T...
Actually it took four years and more to develop Model T.
Previous models were the guinea pigs, one might say, for
experimentation and development of a car which would
realize Henry Ford's dream of a car which anyone could
afford to buy, which anyone could drive anywhere, and
which almost anyone could keep in repair. Many of the
world's greatest mechanical discoveries were accidents
in the course of other experimentation. Not so Model T,
which ushered in the motor transport age and set off a
chain reaction of machine production now known as
automation. All our experimentation at Ford in the early
days was toward a fixed and, then wildly fantastic goal.
By March, 1908, we were ready to announce Model T, but
not to produce it, On October 1 of that year the first
car was introduced to the public. From Joe Galamb's
little room on the third floor had come a revolutionary
vehicle. In the next eighteen years, out of Piquette
Avenue, Highland Park, River Rouge, and from assembly
plants all over the United States came 15,000,000 more."
Birth of the Assembly Line
A few months later- in July 1908 - Sorensen and a
plant foreman spent their days off developing the basics
of the Assembly Line:
"What was worked out at Ford was the practice of moving
the work from one worker to another until it became a
complete unit, then arranging the flow of these units at
the right time and the right place to a moving final
assembly line from which came a finished product.
Regardless of earlier uses of some of these principles,
the direct line of succession of mass production and its
intensification into automation stems directly from what
we worked out at Ford Motor Company between 1908 and
As may be imagined, the job of putting the car together
was a simpler one than handling the materials that had
to be brought to it. Charlie Lewis, the youngest and
most aggressive of our assembly foremen, and I tackled
this problem. We gradually worked it out by bringing up
only what we termed the fast-moving materials. The main
bulky parts, like engines and axles, needed a lot of
room. To give them that space, we left the smaller, more
compact, light-handling material in a storage building
on the northwest comer of the grounds. Then we arranged
with the stock department to bring up at regular hours
such divisions of material as we had marked out and
This simplification of handling cleaned things up
materially. But at best, I did not like it. It was then
that the idea occurred to me that assembly would be
easier, simpler, and faster if we moved the chassis
along, beginning at one end of the plant with a frame
and adding the axles and the wheels; then moving it past
the stockroom, instead of moving the stockroom to the
chassis. I had Lewis arrange the materials on the floor
so that what was needed at the start of assembly would
be at that end of the building and the other parts would
be along the line as we moved the chassis along. We
spent every Sunday during July planning this. Then one
Sunday morning, after the stock was laid out in this
fashion, Lewis and I and a couple of helpers put
together the first car, I'm sure, that was ever built on
a moving line.
We did this simply by putting the frame on skids,
hitching a towrope to the front end and pulling the
frame along until axles and wheels were put on. Then we
rolled the chassis along in notches to prove what could
be done. While demonstrating this moving line, we worked
on some of the subassemblies, such as completing a
radiator with all its hose fittings so that we could
place it very quickly on the chassis. We also did this
with the dash and mounted the steering gear and the
spark coil."
The basics of the Assembly Line had been established
but it would take another five years for the concept to
be implemented. Implementation would await construction
of the new Highland Park plant which was purpose-built
to incorporate the assembly line. The process began at
the top floor of the four-story building where the
engine was assembled and progressed level by level to
the ground floor where the body was attached to the
"By August, 1913, all links in the chain of moving
assembly lines were complete except the last and most
spectacular one - the one we had first experimented with
one Sunday morning just five years before. Again a
towrope was hitched to a chassis, this time pulled by a
capstan. Each part was attached to the moving chassis in
order, from axles at the beginning to bodies at the end
of the line. Some parts took longer to attach than
others; so, to keep an even pull on the towrope, there
must be differently spaced intervals between delivery of
the parts along the line. This called for patient timing
and rearrangement until the flow of parts and the speed
and intervals along the assembly line meshed into a
perfectly synchronized operation throughout all stages
of production. Before the end of the year a power-driven
assembly line was in operation, and New Year's saw three
more installed. Ford mass production and a new era in
industrial history had begun"
"Henry Ford Changes the World, 1908," EyeWitness to History (2005)