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Mitch's 1924 Ford Model T

1915 Ford Model T

Ford Model T 'Center Door'

Ford Model T Touring Car

Ford Model T & Henry Ford

1916 Ford Model T Roadster


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All About the Ford Model T


The Ford Model T was a car made in the United States from 1908 to 1927 by the Ford Motor Company. It was one of the most important cars ever because it was one of the first that regular people could afford, making travel much easier.

Henry Ford?s Model T first came out in 1908. It was strong, dependable, and simple to drive. In 1913, it became the first car to be made in a factory using a moving assembly line, which helped make cars faster and cheaper.


At its busiest, the factory made up to 10,000 cars a day! From 1914 to 1925, all Model Ts were black because black paint dried the fastest, helping the factory work quicker.


By the time Ford stopped making the Model T in 1927, they had built 15 million of them - a record that lasted until 1972, when the Volkswagen Beetle took the top spot.

The Ford Model T

The car in this picture was made in about 1915.



Henry Ford, who was he?


Here are 30 fun facts about Henry Ford to help you learn about who he was and why he was very important.


1 Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863, on a farm in Michigan.
2 His parents were William Ford from Ireland and Mary Litogot from America. He was the oldest of six kids.
3 As a boy, Henry loved taking things apart, especially watches! He became a watch repairman.
4 In 1879, he left the farm to work as a machinist in Detroit.
5 After finishing his apprenticeship, he returned home and studied bookkeeping.
6 Henry worked with steam engines and became interested in gasoline-powered cars.
7 In 1888, he married Clara Bryant, and they had one son, Edsel, in 1893.
8 In 1891, Henry and his family moved to Detroit, where he worked with electricity.
9 In 1896, he built his first car, the Quadricycle, which had four bicycle wheels and a small engine.
10 He sold the Quadricycle for $200 and later started the Ford Motor Company in 1903.
11 At first, he made racing cars but soon realized people needed affordable cars.
12 Several investors helped him start his company, including the Dodge brothers.
13 To promote his cars, Henry Ford raced them and became well-known.
14 The first Ford car was the Model A, introduced in 1903, but it was expensive.
15 On October 1, 1908, Ford released the Model T, also called the "Tin Lizzie."
16 The first Model T cars came in many colors, but later, only black was used.
17 The Model T was easy to drive, cheap to fix, and could go up to 45 mph.
18 It had a steering wheel on the left, three foot pedals, and a hand lever.
19 The car could run on gasoline, kerosene, or ethanol.
20 Early Model Ts had to be started by turning a crank at the front.
21 The Model T became so popular that Ford had to find a way to build them faster.
22 In 1914, he introduced the moving assembly line, making production much quicker.
23 The Model T came in nine different body styles but used the same engine.
24 Some styles included the roadster, coupe, touring car, and town car.
25 By 1913, Ford was making 200,000 Model Ts each year.
26 As production increased, the price dropped from $825 to just $260 by 1924.
27 In 1914, Ford paid workers $5 a day - double the usual wage - and reduced work hours.
28 By 1918, half of all cars in America were Model Ts. By 1927, one was built every 30 seconds!
29 "Fordism" became a term for making cheap, quality goods and paying workers enough to buy them.
30 The Model T changed America, making cars affordable for many. Henry Ford died on April 7, 1947, at 83.


Henry Ford

Fast, fun facts about Henry Ford and the Model T:

● Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863 in Dearborn, Michigan and died April 7, 1947 at the age of 83. He was a self-made man who became a world famous American industrialist and the founder of the Ford Motor Company.

● The Ford Model T was made in nine different body styles that were built with the same engine and essentially the same chassis. The Ford Model T was the first automobile that was mass-produced on moving assembly lines with completely interchangeable parts.

● The colors of the first Model T cars were grey, green, blue, and red - not black. In 1914 Henry Ford reduced costs and durability by using black paint. The most famous Henry Ford quote, made in a 1909 planning meeting with his production team, was that in the future: "Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants, so long as it's black!"

In 1896, Henry Ford built his first car, the Quadricycle, which had four bicycle wheels and a small engine.





Why the Model T was so Important

Before the Model T, cars were really expensive. Only rich people could buy them, and even the cars Henry Ford made before the Model T cost a lot of money. The Model T was much cheaper - about $850. There was another car made in 1903 called the Oldsmobile Curved Dash, which was easy to buy, but it was slow and looked more like a buggy than a real car.

Henry Ford got an idea from how meat was packed in factories. Workers stood in a line, and the meat moved from person to person to be cut. No one had ever used this idea to build cars before! Ford realized that if he built his cars this way instead of one at a time, he could make them much faster and cheaper. That way, more people could afford them, and he could even pay his workers better.

The Model T was designed by Henry Ford, Childe Harolde Wills, and two Hungarian engineers, J?zsef Galamb and Eugene Farkas. It had a small but strong engine that could make the car go up to 45 miles per hour (about as fast as a bike going downhill). It also used gas very efficiently - getting 14 to 21 miles per gallon, which is still pretty good even today!

Mitch's 1924 Ford Model T touring car




Fun Facts About the Model T


  • Over 15 million Model Ts were built, making it one of the most popular cars ever! It held the record until 1971 when the Volkswagen Beetle passed it. Today, the most-produced car is the Toyota Corolla, with over 40 million made.

  • People gave the Model T fun nicknames like ?Tin Lizzie? and ?Flivver.?

  • In 1928, the Model T was replaced by a new car called the Ford Model A.


Even though the Model T was simple, it changed the world by making cars something everyone could own, not just rich people! 🚗💨


The Beginning of the Model T

Henry Ford started building the Model T on October 6, 1908, in a factory called the Piquette Plant. People from all over the world wanted to work for Ford because he paid them well. Some workers even saved up to buy a Model T for themselves!


Over time, the price of the car got lower, making it even easier for people to afford.

The car was built on an assembly line. It started as just a frame, called a chassis, at one end. Each assembly line worker had one job to do, they made just one part for the car. This was called a 'sub-assembly'. In the pictures, you can see the workers making wheels. As it moved down the line, workers added different parts, and by the time it reached the other end, it was a finished car!


There were different types of Model Ts, including a truck version called the Model TT.


At first, the colors of the first Model T cars were grey, green, blue, and red - not black. Later on, because black paint was the cheapest and dried the fastest, the Model T was only painted black.

When Ford first made the Model T, it took over 12 hours to finish just one car. But as he built more factories and improved the assembly line, he got so fast that by the end, one Model T was made every 30 seconds!

Even though the Model T was cheap, Ford still used strong materials to make it tough. Back then, most roads were made of dirt, gravel, or even mud, so the Model T had to be built to handle rough conditions. It had tall, skinny wheels that could sink into muddy roads without getting stuck. The car was also very simple, which made it easy to fix if something broke.

Two factory workers install the engine into a new Model T.

Each assembly line worker had one job to do, they made just one part for the car. This was called a 'sub-assembly'. In this picture you can see the workers making wheels.



How to Drive a Model T

Henry Ford made the Model T easy to drive because most people back then only knew how to ride horses, not drive cars. But even though the Model T was simple for its time, it was very different from modern cars!


Starting the Car

The first Model Ts didn?t have a key or a button to start the engine like today?s cars. Instead, people had to turn a crank on the front of the car by hand! This could be dangerous because if the engine wasn?t set up correctly, it could spin the wrong way and hurt the person cranking it. Some people even broke their arms doing this! Doctors called this injury the ?Ford Fracture.? Later, Ford added electric starters so people wouldn?t have to crank the car by hand.



How to Make the Model T Move

The Model T had three pedals on the floor, but they didn?t work like today?s pedals:

  • The right pedal was the brake.

  • The middle pedal made the car go backward.

  • The left pedal controlled the gears to switch between low speed and high speed.



To speed up the car, you didn?t press a gas pedal like in modern cars. Instead, there were two levers near the steering wheel:

  • The right lever controlled how fast the engine ran (the throttle, like today?s gas pedal).

  • The left lever controlled when the spark plugs fired (this helped the engine run smoothly).


To start moving, the driver had to:

  1. Push the left pedal all the way down to go into low gear.

  2. Move the right lever to speed up the engine.

  3. Once the car was rolling, let go of the left pedal to switch to high gear.


To stop the car, the driver pressed the brake pedal and put the gear lever in neutral (like today?s parking brake).


Brakes and Speed

The brakes on a Model T only worked on the back wheels. Modern cars have brakes on all four wheels, which makes them stop faster and more safely. The Model T could go up to 45 miles per hour, but most roads back then were dirt or mud, so people usually didn?t drive that fast. The wheels were tall and skinny so they wouldn?t get stuck in the mud.


1. Pull the choke near the right side of the car. Then, grab the crank handle at the front and slowly turn it a little bit to the right to help get fuel to the engine.

2. Get inside the car. Put the key in and turn it to either "magneto" or "battery" mode. Move the timing lever up to slow down the spark, push the throttle lever down a little to set the speed, and pull back the hand brake to make sure the car is in neutral.

3. Go back to the front of the car. Use your left hand to turn the crank handle (this keeps your arm safer if the engine kicks back). Give it a strong half-turn, and the engine should start!


How the Model T Transmission Works

The Model T has a special way of changing gears to make the car go forward, backward, or stop. Let's break it down into simple steps!

  1. The Triple Gears Are Team Players ? There are three of them, and they always do the same thing together.

  2. The Brake Drum Moves Like the Car ? If the car is moving forward, backward, or not at all, the brake drum does the same thing.

  3. The Clutch Is for High Gear ? The clutch is only needed when the car is in high gear (going fast).

  4. Triple Gears Help in Low and Reverse ? When the car is in low gear (slow) or reverse (going backward), these gears do the work.

  5. Pedals Control the Drums ? The low-speed and reverse drums spin freely unless you press a pedal to stop them.

What Happens When the Car Is Stopped?

  • The car isn?t moving, so the driveshaft (which connects to the wheels) isn?t moving either.

  • The engine keeps running because some parts inside the transmission can spin while others stay still.

  • The brake drum, big clutch discs, and driven gear are all still, but the flywheel and some smaller parts keep spinning.

  • If you press a pedal, some of the spinning parts stop to help the car move in the right gear.

That?s how the Model T?s transmission works! It?s like a team of gears, pedals, and spinning parts working together to control the car. 🚗💨

Model T Transmission Simulator

Click the picture below to try out the Model T Transmission Simulator.

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