Submitted by Name: T Brown From: Rowlett, Texas, USA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Congratulations on the aquisition of your Tin Lizzie. I really enjoyed your videos. I don't think I could figure out how all of those pedals and levers work together without having it demonstrated. Now I'd like to drive one myself.
Added: May 30, 2013
Submitted by Name: Ed From: Spokane Washington E-mail: Contact
Comments: Fantastic site. You've clearly put a lot of work and dedication into it. Disappointed that the transmission video does not work with iPad. I understand the planatary transmission in principle but still just can't quite get my head around how the reverse works. Hoping to find a good illustration. Ed
Added: May 12, 2013
Submitted by Name: Bob Sanders From: Auburn,Alabama USA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Wonderful site, very well thought out....Love It!
Added: May 9, 2013
Submitted by Name: Ivan Wheatley From: Lancaster, UK E-mail: Contact
Comments: An excellent site and well worth the effort. I have already entered your URL on my list of favourites and will return often. Thank you and keep up the good work.
Added: April 22, 2013
Submitted by Name: John Aldrich From: Orting Washington USA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Nice website. A great deal of time went into it and your time was not wasted!
I realized my dream/addiction to old cars in 2007 so like you I am fairly new to it.
Enjoy and thanks for sharing!
Added: April 7, 2013
Submitted by Name: Bob Coiro From: Long Island, New York, USA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Excellent website! You've done excellent work here and covered a lot of useful, foundational information.
Added: April 6, 2013
Submitted by Name: Rob From: Waterloo, IL E-mail: Contact
Comments: I enjoy seeing pics and videos of your Model T. Wow, your sis is very talented. Love the painting.
Added: March 11, 2013
Submitted by Name: Michael Holtfrerich From: Glendale, AZ USA E-mail: Contact
Comments: I like your website.
Added: January 21, 2013
Submitted by Name: Ed Ross From: Taunton Ma U S A E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi Great viedo on the starting of a Model T.
Never did understand how they worked, so
thanks. Great Job on site will be visiting every now
and then
Added: October 21, 2012
Submitted by Name: Mark Carley From: NSW E-mail: Contact
Comments: Great site Mitch. Great to have you as a friend.
Name: T Brown
From: Rowlett, Texas, USA
E-mail: Contact
Congratulations on the aquisition of your Tin Lizzie.
I really enjoyed your videos. I don't think I could
figure out how all of those pedals and levers work
together without having it demonstrated. Now I'd like
to drive one myself.